Description: Aug 01, 2019 . Telavåg 1942. Telavåg has a very special place in Norwegian history. The whole village was razed to the ground in May 1942 when the Germans took their revenge for the deaths of two Gestapo officers. They were killed in a shoot-out with resistance agents. If you have a smartphone or a tablet with GPS, you can go on a virtual tour.
DA: 91 PA: 1 MOZ Rank: 25
Description: Mar 31, 2021 . The place was Telavåg and the day 26 April 1942. Boatloads of people came from Telavåg to Bergen. At first there were 66 men between the ages of 15 and 60. It was hard to walk past Sandviken school and see the men from Telavåg on the school grounds. It was forbidden to stop and make any contact. Guards stood ready with weapons.
DA: 93 PA: 75 MOZ Rank: 34
DA: 8 PA: 18 MOZ Rank: 18
Description: Apr 26, 2011 . The Telavåg Tragedy. 26 April 2011. Sixty-nine years ago today, on April 26, 1942 the Germans dynamited the entire village of Telavåg, Norway and sent all of its inhabitants to prison and concentration camps for their involvement in anti-Nazi activities. In the 1940s Telavåg (pronounced similar to “Tell-ah-vogue”) was a small but ...
DA: 24 PA: 98 MOZ Rank: 37
Description: Aug 04, 2013 . kannelfoto. On April 26, 1942 the Germans dynamited the entire village of Telavåg, Norway and sent all of its inhabitants to prison and concentration camps for their involvement in anti-Nazi activities. In the 1940s Telavåg was a small but productive fishing village on an island about one hour’s drive from Bergen, although at that time it ...
DA: 79 PA: 33 MOZ Rank: 64
DA: 13 PA: 48 MOZ Rank: 40
Description: Nov 30, 2009 . Thanks. Probably the worst act of reprisal was the assault on the fishing village of Telavåg in the spring of 1942. Two Gestapo officers had been shot and killed there on the 26th April 1942 by two men brought over from Shetland. One of the agents, Arne Vaerum, was also killed in the ensuing battle, the other agent being Emil G Hvaal.
DA: 93 PA: 14 MOZ Rank: 53
Description: About. Resistance fighting that ended in tragedy. Up until 1942, Telavåg was a small and little known fishing community out on the coast. Its brave inhabitants and seamen were used to the sea, which made Telavåg the perfect location for the North Sea traffic, the illegal boat traffic between Norway and the UK during World War II.
DA: 21 PA: 94 MOZ Rank: 99
Description: Om Nordsjøfartmuseet. Nordsjøfartmuseet ligg i Telavåg på øya Sotra vest for Bergen. Under andre verdskrigen var Telavåg eit av knutepunkta i Nordsjøfarten – den illegale båttrafikken mellom Noreg og Storbritannia. 26 april 1942 blei to tyske offiserar skotne av norske agentar i Telavåg. Tyskarane reagerte med alvorlege represaliar.
DA: 49 PA: 25 MOZ Rank: 94
Description: Apr 23, 2011 . Back home in Bergen – 1942 – 1943 – 1944. For those left behind, wondering if husbands or fathers were still alive, the daily routine continued (as it has to). Bergen is a main port, and because of this it was often under attack. The Allies were on constant alert because the Germans considered the city and its location to be of importance.
DA: 49 PA: 13 MOZ Rank: 15
Description: On 30 April 1942, the little community Telavåg on the coast of Sotra was razed to the ground. The killing of a Norwegian agent and two Gestapo officers triggered the Telavåg tragedy, and you can learn about this dramatic World War II episode at the North Sea Traffic Museum. Up until 1942, Telavåg was a small and little known fishing ...
DA: 32 PA: 56 MOZ Rank: 11
Description: Mar 11, 2021 . Espionage operations could be astonishingly amateurish, and they could also be disastrous. To this day, the memory lingers of the notorious massacre at Telavåg in 1942, when the Nazis slaughtered an entire village as punishment for harbouring two spies sent from Britain. Many agents did avoid capture, however.
DA: 85 PA: 4 MOZ Rank: 57
Description: Telavåg or Tælavåg is a village in Øygarden municipality in Vestland county, Norway.The village is located on the island of Sotra, about 39 kilometres (24 miles) southwest of the city of Bergen and about six kilometres (3 + 1 ⁄ 2 mi) northwest of the village of Kausland.The 0.81-square-kilometre (5 ⁄ 16 sq mi) village has a population (2019) of 581 and a population density of 717 ...
DA: 31 PA: 55 MOZ Rank: 34
Description: Tella. TELLA is an educational game for tablets that introduces children to basic maths through play. Created for 5-8 year olds, TELLA may also be enjoyed by younger or older kids. TELLA consists of several sets of games with tasks to be solved in a given order. The content can be easily customized by an adult – making tasks visible/invisible ...
DA: 79 PA: 66 MOZ Rank: 82
Description: Apr 07, 2021 . To this day, the memory lingers of the notorious massacre at Telavåg in 1942, when the Nazis slaughtered an entire village as punishment for harbouring two spies sent from Britain. Many agents did avoid capture, however. The daring Max Manus is well remembered in Norway, having been immortalised in an excellent 2008 film. My personal favourite ...
DA: 10 PA: 24 MOZ Rank: 83
Description: Arrestasjonen av mennene i Telavåg 30. april 1942. 35. 3. 21. august 1949 vart minnestøtta over dei falne frå Telavåg avduka. Høyr formannen i bautakomiteen, Ivar Josefsen Øvretveit, tale under minnemarkeringa. 18. Gerhardsen talar på gjenreisningsfesten i Telavåg hausten 1949. 19. 1. See All.
DA: 78 PA: 42 MOZ Rank: 78
Description: Invasjonen av Norge. Blücher, Blietzkrieg, Oscarsborg, Festung Norwegen, Tungtvann (litt senere v2), jernmalm, kystlinje, konvoi angrep, Quisling samtale, fisk (mat) Kongen og regjeringen flykter mot Elverum. Store tyske styrker rykker inn i landet.
DA: 52 PA: 99 MOZ Rank: 65